Fire in the hole

Every once in a while, the hard working crew at my office just has to bust loose. On this particular August day a couple of years ago, a pair of co-worker cut-ups in Community and Economic Development decided to have a little workday fun during a break with Mentos and diet Coke.


(no endorsements intended)

The details

You know that old saw about stopping to smell the roses? Photography can be something like that, except you lean in with your lens, absorbing all the details. Suddenly there appear all those wonderful bits of life and texture that on regular day are as invisible as the quantum world.

Birds of a feather

This week’s photo challenge is all about partners. A pair of goose parents spent the afternoon shepherding their small flock of fluffy yellowy goslings. Both parents were very protective of the youngsters, dashing at, and chasing off, anything or anyone venturing too close. This family was on the shore of a lake in a Memphis suburb.

4-15-16 Goose Family

Memphis curves

This week’s photo challenge is all about curves.  There’s rarely a bad angle when trying to grab a picture of the “M” bridge that carries Interstate 40 over the Mississippi to connect Arkansas and Tennessee. The image below is in downtown Memphis looking west.

6-6-16 M Bridge Downtown.jpg

Weekly photo challenge: Pure

Late spring and it’s nesting time for the long-eared sunfish. While the water in this urban creek is not strictly pure, it is incredibly clear. From one of the bridges over Coleman Creek, the circular outlines of their nests (last photo below) are visible.

6-7 Three Sunfish-crop

6-7 Nesting Sunrish
These nesting fish take any intruders very seriously, darting aggressively to chase them away.
At the center of each stone circle is a fish ready to defend its territory.

Eye to Eye

There’s no doubting the power of eyes — you know, windows to the soul and all that. This week’s photo challenge, Eye Spy, asks us to give the eye a second look.

In the photo below, two very well-camouflaged creatures eye each other warily.

5-10 Eyeball to Eyeball.jpg

Eyes were a topic of an earlier post as well, as in this pensive primate at the Little Rock Zoo.



Weekly Photo Challenge: Connected

This week’s challenge is all about being connected.  Shoes off and safely slung between two trees, a student takes advantage of a warm, sunny afternoon in a campus green belt to keep connected via cell phone.

student in hammock
HANG OUT – Student at the University of Arkansas-Little Rock takes a break between classes in the Coleman Creek greenbelt. Taken Sept. 3, 2015.