Where does the time go?

Wow. Has it really been almost two months since our last post? Since January’s snow, we’ve had record-breaking high temperatures, a six-day monsoon with more than five inches of rain, a few tornadoes and tomorrow night, we have a freeze warning.

3-13-2016 Fog Flowers 6.jpg
Wild cherry blossom in the fog. Taken March 13, 2016.
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Leaf buds against wild cherry blossoms. Taken March 13, 2016.

Signs of spring

About nine days ago, Arkansas saw record low temperatures. Today, the sun is shining and the mercury hit 69 degrees by mid-afternoon. It’s the perfect day for a photo safari and time to take to the deer trails and old logging road in search of spring.

Spring’s abundance

Even if spring was a little late coming to the mountain, the trees and vines have made up for lost time. The first grape clusters are everywhere and the mulberry tree’s offerings are looking abundant so far. It’ll be a race to see who gets there first — the birds or us! (The birds usually win. This is their territory.)

Green mulberries.
Green mulberries.
Baby grapes clusters.
Baby grapes.


Weekly photo challenge: Spring

Spring in Arkansas is looking up!

UPSY DAISIES — A sure sign of spring from a native plant.

Other visions of spring we liked:

We love ladybugs

What is it about beetles that make them so darned cute?  Is it their shape or their color? Or the way they move with those little legs churning away under that bubblelike shell? Each winter, we have scores of ladybugs come out of hiding and make themselves at home inside the house. We feed them. We sprinkle water near them to drink and watch them fly spirals under the lights at night. If it’s warm enough, we encourage them to go outside and find some aphids, scale insects or other pests.

Indoor ladybug on a glass.
Indoor ladybug on the lip of a glass. This one circumnavigated the rim over and over and over.
Ladybug on the sidewalk.
Ladybug outside on the sidewalk.