Sweeter than honey.

My cousin in Bangkok loves ruang phung (“honeycomb”) flowers. Coming home from work, she was surprised to see a vase full of them. She loved these flowers that grew at her old house. Alas, the plant could not move with the family. She missed the sweet fragrance and how the shrub would explode into a yellow mass, alive with bees.  The gray cat in the background, Sour Orange, does not seem to share my cousin’s enthusiasm for these spectacular blooms.

ruang phung flowers
Ruang phung flowers brightened my cousin's day.

Robin. No batman.

For some reason, robins like to hang out in the garden bed outside my office window. This fellow and a few other youngsters were hopping and flopping around in the mulch.  A tiny hummingbird showed up too, to take advantage of a few flowers in the shrubs, but was quicker than the camera shutter. Really, I should be working.

Juvenile robin spreads his wings.
Juvenile robin looking up

Morning traffic report.

There was a significant rubbernecking delay on the commute into town this morning.  The doe seemed as curious about us as we were about her, but  eventually vanished into the woods just to the north of the road. A second delay occurred, thanks to two bunnies eating grass just a few yards down the road. Ferndale traffic just gets tougher each day.

Doe stands just off the road.
This large doe caused a one-car tieup on the morning ride into work.

Battling birds

A storm rumbled in the background while birds rumbled in the foreground. This sequence was captured from video taken by the digital still camera. [What’s wrong with that picture?]

Sequence of hummingbirds fighting
Hummingbirds spend more time fighting than feeding. (still capture from digital video)
Small lightning stroke
Lightning in Saline County during a summer storm in the Ouachitas (still capture from digital video)