Weekly phoneography challenge: My neighborhood

We’re taking a rather broad view of “neighborhood”  for this week’s challenge –using the panorama function on the iPhone camera. Love the distortion the panorama provides, especially of the car rounding the corner at the same time the phone was scanning the scenery:

DOWNTOWN -- Traffic in downtown Ferndale, taken between sign posts.
DOWNTOWN — Traffic in downtown Ferndale, taken between sign posts. [Next time, I’ll try standing closer to the center of the intersection.] Main landmarks are Col. Mustard’s, a gas station/grocery and the Cutoff Corner Cafe and Dairy Bar. Behind the phoneographer is the Pleasant Grove Baptist Church.
DAFFODIL FESTIVAL -- The annual Wye Mountain daffodil festival draws thousands of visitors and an equal number of cameras.
DAFFODIL FESTIVAL — The annual Wye Mountain daffodil festival draws thousands of visitors and an equal number of cameras as doting parents and grandparents pose and photograph children and grandchildren in their Sunday best and cutest smiles. Wye Mountain is about 20 miles west of Ferndale.

Not taken with a phone, but just as a humorous coda for the photo above:

NEED TO KNOW -- Important instruction to heed when at a flower festival!
NEED TO KNOW — Important instruction to heed when at a flower festival!

Take a minute to visit a few other neighborhoods:

The accidental eagle

The continued quest to take decent bird pictures meant a stop by the pond on the way to work on Feb. 7.  The buffleheads were sailing around in the mist and the sunrise was glowing coral. Rolled down the roadster window to snap a couple of frames and then continued the morning commute. Not until this morning when the shots were downloaded did something else appear — white head and tail feathers at the far side of the lake. We’d seen the Ferndale eagle around New Year’s Day flying straight over the house, with no camera in hand, and wondered if we’d see him again.

WHITE FEATHERS -- Thinking this was just going to be a photo of a sunrise and waterbirds, it was delightful to see the white head and tail feathers of a bald eagle appear in the upper left of the image once downloaded into the laptop.

Welcome rain.

After a long, thirsty summer, we welcomed a widespread rain last night. It’s been a long time since there was enough moisture to see droplets cling to petals, leaves and even insects. The cooler fall temperatures are also encouraging regrowth. Volunteer dill, sorrel and clover are all coming back to life.


Rain covered morning glory.
A rare sight -- late season morning glories covered in rain.
White morning glories
White morning glories make a comeback in the cooler fall temperatures.



Black and white

This morning’s walk turned up plenty of texture.

two halves of a hickory nut
Aging hickory nut halves embedded in a crack in the concrete road.
vines wrapped around a pine tree
Vines wrap around a pine tree trunk.
wild grass seed heads
Grass seed heads wave in the early autumn breeze.
Outer shell of hickory nut.
A husk is all that's left after the squirrel has a snack.

Autumn orange

Fall arrived earlier this week, and fall color is appearing everywhere in the Ouachitas.

Composite of sunset
The Sept. 25 sunset, between 6 p.m., left, and 7:30 p.m., right. The middle shot shows the sunset reflected in our bedroom windows.
Aged butterfly
RAGGED WINGS -- A summer of flying has left this butterfly's wings on the ragged edge.
Orange cosmos
An orange cosmos brightens up a fading fall garden.
Falling leaf suspended.
Falling leaf suspended in a spider's web never hits the ground.